Most research companies provide a report with the data and learnings. Our clients need more than this to win in the INSIGHT ECONOMY™. They need insights and actions that they can execute in-market. That’s why we push farther and deliver:
More than white space analyses…
a space worth seizing
More than customer journeys…
moments you must leverage
More than brand studies…
powerful, sustainable bonds
More than opportunity assessments…
airtight business cases
More than message testing…
a winning stake in the ground
More than consultation…
timely action plans
We invented and use proprietary methodologies inspired by real-world experience, social science principles, and behavioral science rigor that help change the behavior of real people in the world.
System 1 + System 2 Approaches • Evaluative and Generative Methods • Qualitative and Quantitative Disciplines
S+R Behavior Impact™
A behavioral economics approach bringing real-world sensibilities to communications testing. Evaluate, enhance, and expand on creative ideas, optimize them in real time, gain attitudinal findings, and understand how the winning idea will change customer behavior within a competitive context.
S+R Brandlmpact™
A robust, agile quantitative method. Unlike traditional tests, it evaluates ideas within a competitive framework to understand how value propositions, positionings, and messaging resonate and drive consideration and preference, and what differentiated space they allow the brand to occupy.
S+R BrandEVA™
A new-world segmentation framework that is a comprehensive, data-driven examination of the brand’s relationship with its customer base. It integrates brand equities and transactional behaviors to provide a more actionable way to identify and satisfy the needs of different customer cohorts.
S+R BrandGPA™
A quick, comprehensive examination of a brand’s growth potential. This agile integrated qualitative and quantitative product provides actionable insights into equities, acquisition, and relationship dimensions in a brand’s competitive environment in as little as a week (for most brands/categories).
S+R WithinSight™
A proprietary methodology to dig deep for latent and hidden insights. We use a variety of projective techniques including verbal and non-verbal association, selection, arrangement, and expressions.
S+R Guided Deliberations™
An approach inspired by helping the University of Chicago Law School with a critical issue: how do 12 strangers who have different opinions about guilt or innocence ultimately align around a single verdict? This method demonstrates how to change minds, and more importantly, change behaviors.
Decathlete Marketer™ Consulting service across the 10 dimensions of marketing to help develop innovation, growth and strategies including retention, loyalty and bonding programs.
S+R PROsicians™
Our proprietary algorithm in S+R’s PROsician™ model identifies four discrete segments of physicians based on their interest in innovation to help our clients succeed in the Insight Economy™ by targeting these future-forward segments.