Realtime Qualitative Insights. At the Scale of Quant.

In the old days, we had a very prescriptive approach to research. If we needed in-depth learnings, we would use qualitative research techniques like focus groups, triads, in-depth-interviews, etc. When we needed data-driven answers, we used quantitative approaches. It was a linear progression with qual first, followed by quant to validate the learnings at scale.

In the new normal, where the biggest enemy is time, this linear approach is no longer feasible. The need for speed has required a huge change in the way we get to insights. This is why the line between qual and quant has blurred. Decisions are being made at warp speed and “scaled qual” has come of age.

“Isn’t large-scale qualitative an oxymoron?” you might ask. Yes, if the methodologies are employed inappropriately. However, if used purposefully, this integrated approach can quickly deliver deep insightful answers with a very high degree of confidence.

At Shapiro+Raj, we deliver this by integrating bleeding-edge technology with unique methodologies and deep category experience to unearth market-ready insights that spark transformative business outcomes. Let us tell you about an example of how we do this with Remesh, a platform that enables live conversations at scale. We were engaged to define the innovation agenda for a leading consumer goods company. The ask was to identify needs and connect them with the 30+ product concepts that their R&D team had developed. And they needed the insights within 30 days to report at their imminent Board meeting. Here is how the Shapiro+Raj team delivered on this challenge.

After the strategic framework was defined, our field and project management team pre-recruited 100 respondents while our research team and moderator crafted deep interrogative techniques, a thoughtful discussion guide, and deeply diagnostic questions. Brand strategists worked with our client and agency teams to firm up the product stimuli. All this was prep for the one real-life session scheduled two-weeks from kick-off.

The session worked like this: Clients and the S+R research team participated from a virtual back room while the moderator guided the discussion and facilitated the development of themes and ideas.

This approach is very different than traditional qual methods:

  • Respondents have full anonymity, from the comfort of their homes, without a camera, without the intimidation factor of being around strangers. You get deeper understanding of emotions, personal beliefs and biases.

  • Everyone “speaks” at once, so the quantity of information is richer. In a typical focus group, each respondent gets about seven minutes of airtime versus all 100 respondents now answer each and every question. This delivers greater dimensionality and profound understanding of the whys.

  • We all know ideas and innovation come to life through collaboration. This method creates an environment of idea generation on steroids as respondents build off one another. Beyond just nodding along (or not), as we would see in a traditional focus group, respondents express how they feel about others’ answers.

  • In-the-moment analysis during the session allows the moderator to dig deeper and pressure-test multiple hypotheses. Remesh’s proprietary conjoint voting exercise algorithm identifies patterns as they emerge to enable the team to immediately identify what’s resonating, what’s not, and what needs clarification and optimization.

In addition to the above benefits, we get scads of verbatims at scale for a high degree of confidence to allow us to make quick decisions. As one team member put it: “This platform provides a unique and innovative experience for our clients. Watching live data stream in from 100 respondents, and for that to instantly drive the follow-up discussions, is really cool. I can see a lot of clients geeking on this!”

This project led to a prioritization of four new product ideas that are being developed for commercialization, allowing our client to bring new products to market faster and more efficiently. If you would like to understand how this approach can help you save time, money, and organizational resources, please reach out. If we do scaled qual together, we’ll even spot you the M&Ms!



S+R is a research and strategy firm that uses social and behavioral sciences to solve the toughest business and marketing challenges. Our next-gen methods dig deep to unlock market-ready insights. Then our brand planners turn these into strategic marketplace actions that create brand evolution and innovation; customer experiences and loyalty; and new platforms for growth.

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